Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor's Baaghi movie trailer is out now. As earlier in Baaghi posters Shraddha Kapoor and Tiger shroff looked so hot now after seeing trailer you all will be burnt we are sure. Shraddha Kapoor and Tiger shroff chemistry also looking sizzling in the trailer.
Years back Salman Khan and Nagma's Baagi that been released in year 1990 was super hit and the movie got so much love from the audience that now directer decoded to remake the movie. And here is the trailer that shows from story to casting everything is so perfect.
We are sure Shraddha and Tiger will take Baagi another level and audience will love this remake as well. For now you guys enjoy the trailer and wait for the movie that is going to be released soon this year. And do not miss the Hot Shraddha Kapoor's biking scene i which she is giving competition to other hot babes of Bollywood.